Golden Games Slot Game

Golden Games Slot

There is no topic or theme that the casino software providers don’t think of and turn into a slot game. The Golden Games slot, which is based on the Olympic Games, has 5 reels and 25 pay lines. This unique video slot game is packed with extra features, a scatter bonus, free spin bonus, and a gamble feature is a hot favorite among sport fans. The symbols in Golden Games slot are sports related and include stopwatches, tennis rackets, weights, medals, cycling, swimming, boxing and running. As the game commences you are led into the arena and fireworks light up the evening sky.

The sound effects are superb especially when a scatter and a bonus symbol appear on the reels. The free spin round in Golden Games slot is another exciting feature and when it is activated the sound effects are amazingly different, and the upper edge of the game screen indicates how many free spins are left. The gamble feature too is thrilling and gives you an option to double your winnings. The scatter bonus is paid out when two or more scatter symbols (Discus Throwers), make their appearance on the reels. The golden games scatter bonus has a fixed payout and the more the scatters, the higher the payout. Free spin rounds are also available and you can get 20 free spins when bonus symbols (Olympic Torches) appear on reels 1 and 5. This game puts you into the sporting mood, so if you are in for an eventful evening, log on to Casino Las Vegas and play this intriguing game of slots.